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What is Cementitious Waterproofing Method?

Posted on - 13 July 2024 Waterproofing Specialists Near by HIGH TECH ROOFING COMPANY

Cementitious waterproofing is one of the most preferred methods that can be used to prevent structures from being washed. It entails the use of a cementitious render to surfaces to develop an impermeable layer to water. This method is employed frequently because of its efficiency, simplicity and sturdiness of the result.

Types of Cementitious Waterproofing

Rigid or Semi-Rigid Waterproofing:

Applied as internal wet areas like lavatories, kitchen, and cellars among others.
Serves as a long lasting and highly effective waterproofing material.
Not as versatile as acrylic since it cannot be easily applied on areas of movement or cracking.
Flexible Cementitious Waterproofing:

Applied for external structures and the sections that are likely to undergo movements and vibrations.
Is able to fill small gaps and can withstand some movement of the substrate after the installation.
Occasionally backed with other such additives that provide flexibility such as polymers.

Application Areas :

Basements and Foundations: Prevents the ingress of water and pressure of water column in the underground structures.
Water Tanks and Reservoirs: Ascertains that all constructions dealing with water storage are tight proof.
Balconies and Terraces: Acts as a barrier to liquid and water in particular in order to reduce their entry into the vehicle’s body.
Bathrooms and Kitchens: Membrane system closes in walls and floors to ensure that water does not penetrate in areas such as wash rooms.
Swimming Pools: Responsible for the pool structure to be leak proof.

Advantages of Cementitious Waterproofing :

Durability: Offers long term protection against the ingress of water in structures and other constructions’ works.
Ease of Application: can be applied by means of brushes rollers for touch and spray equipment for non touched system.
Cost-Effective: In general they are relatively cheaper considering other processes of maintaining the waterproofing of structures.
Compatibility: Is versatile in that can be applied on any surface including; Concrete surfaces, masonry and bricks among others.

Disadvantages of Cementitious Waterproofin :

Limited Flexibility: He, Cementitious and rigid solutions for waterproofing does not seem to be suitable where there is a lot of movement in a building or structure.
Surface Preparation: It cancels out the degree of preparation of the surface that secures the connection between the tilling item and the substance being painted.
Curing Time: May take a bit of more time to set down and it also might take some time before is completely water proof.

Application Process :

Surface Preparation: To get rid of previous material deposits, incubate levels of dust, dirt, oil or grease and other loose materials to scrub to get an even base for the next processes. If there are any, sand any gaps or other damages that you had to leave while pulling the laminate.

Mixing: At other times, there are special instructions from the cementitious producer as to how the cementitious material should be prepared. Remember that the mix is uniform, do not have lumps in the mix to give a better texture.
Application: The mixture can be applied through brush, rolling equipment or spraying equipment in case of use. It is requisite to put the same force and the VSD to be of equal thickness.
Curing: Believed the used applied Waterproofing layer to cure for the recommended time before exposing to water or loads.

Maintenance :

The daily check to ascertain whether there are any damages or cracks, which would require repairs to be made.
On areas that have been treated before, or areas that require a second or a third coat for a waterproofing layer.
Cementitious waterproofing one of the most effective ways of protecting various structures against water and is used in many constructions.

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